Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Diaz AND Colon AND J AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ecological effects / 1978
Interrelations with microorganisms / 1978
Military uses / 1978
Selected bibliography of the phenoxy herbicides 1976
Selected Bibliography of the Phenoxy Herbicides - 1. Fate in the Environment. 1977
Selected Bibliography of the Phenoxy Herbicides - 2 - the Substituted Dibenzo-P-Dioxins. 1977
Selected Bibliography of the Phenoxy Herbicides - 3 - Toxical Studies in Animals. 1977
Selected bibliography of the phenoxy herbicides / 1976
Toxicological and physiological effects of 2,4-D / 1980

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